TIPPING, what the heck are you thinking?
When I started in show business, I was too embarrassed to ask for tips. I felt so bad about it that I would actually refuse a tip when offered. I couldn't even put a tip bowl out. I felt like it was begging for hand-outs. Then I met an old saxophone player, Doc Diamond. He asked me, "What the heck are you thinking?" He explained that the people watching your performance, your fans, want to tip you. They want to show you how much they appreciate your hard work on stage and that it's part of the show. If you shun their tips, you are not only insulting them, but you are not performing 100%. Learning to accept tips with grace and gratitude is not only important to our fans, it is necessary for us, as it is a big part of our income. In learning to accept tips for what I do, I also have become more aware of my tipping practices. I appreciate even more, those who give good service and care about the job they do.
Here are some tips on tips.
Who gives a tip? Everyone that receives a service, should give a tip.
Whats a tip? A tip is a gratuity. A gift. A little something extra that someone gives to a person who performs a service. When that service is performed above and beyond your expectations you want to tip them well. When the service is not so good, then what? Most folks will still give a minimum tip.
Sometimes you may not be sure when a tip is appropriate or not. Some of the usual places you would tip would be when you are served by valets, street acts, performers, wait staff, chefs, hosts, baggage handlers, paper boys/girls, anywhere or anywhere there is a tip bowl. You can also ask at a check-in counter or information booth as to who should be tipped.
Sometimes giving a tip is as easy as adding it to your bill or tab. Sometimes, when the service is especially good, you want to give it directly to the person who performed the service and thank them face to face.
In our particular profession, we find that people may be shy about coming up to the stage to put something in the tip bowl. They don't want to draw attention to themselves. To those of you who feel that way, just remember that when you step up, others that are hesitating will gain the courage to do the same. And of course, if you have a child with you, send them ! They love to run up and put it in there for you.
So then, how much do you tip? Well, for food service it's about 20% of the total bill. Drinks are about $1.00 for each drink. Other professions have different expectations. As for performers, it really depends on how much you're enjoying the show. If the show is a "pass the hat", the only pay the performer receives is tips, so please be as generous as you can.
Speaking for ourselves, we appreciate every dollar that goes into that tip bowl. We do a lot of "pass the hat" shows due to today's economy and our audiences are generally very generous. It keeps us able to do what we love doing. In case we ever pass your way we say, "thank you very much" in advance for your generosity and appreciation! As a matter of fact, we are basing this Summer's, "Rolling With The Flow Tour", on the economy and our appreciation for our fans. 90% of our shows will be, "pass the hat" shows.
All the Best Michael & Christi
All the Best, Michael & Christi
See our other Blog;http://michaelhargisshow.blogspot.com/