About Us, Michael & Christi Hargis

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Tucson/Tombstone, AZ, United States
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Sunday, May 10, 2009

A Little Work, A Little Play (michael)

A Little Work, A Little Play, A Lot of Mother's Day
Today Mrs. Jones got the rest of her wall coverings courtesy of Jeff, some more paint by Christi, and I, 2 lights and plumbing prep; hang the valve board, affix the water pump and drill the holes for the waste pipes and water supply lines. Christi started sanding the pantry doors and prowls the bus. Now we are off to the Home Depot to get the h2o heater and other supplies. Our son, Jared wants to take Mom out to eat. The plumber may come by and start on the lines. I'll cross my fingers.
Happy Mothers Day to all of you.
All the Best, Michael & Christi See our other Blog;http://michaelhargisshow.blogspot.com/


  1. Keep up the good work, your time is running short, don't forget to test out everything before you head out. You don't want to be in the middle of nowhere and have a leak! Don't ask!


  2. Mrs. Jones is looking good. All that work is really paying off. We look foward to seeing her in action in September!

    Dog Patch 1 & 2 (Terry & Jeanne)
